Exercise and Physical Activity - The Benefits.
We all know we should exercise but why? Here are some of the benefits to physical activity and exercise. Now, physical activity and exercise are not synonymous to one another despite them being used interchangeably when talking about movement. Physical activity is defined as any bodily movement that involves the contraction of skeletal muscles above that of resting energy expenditure. Whereas, exercise is classified as a ‘type’ of physical activity that is planned, structured and repetitive to improve or maintain components of physical fitness. Physical fitness is a set of attributes that can be achieved when performing physical activity such as cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance and flexibility.
The benefits of regular physical activity and/ or exercise are endless but here’s the important ones:
1) Improved Cardiovascular and Respiratory Function
· Increase oxygen uptake
· Decrease heart rate and blood pressure
· Increase capillarisation (smaller blood vessels) to muscle
· Improve exercise threshold prior to lactate build up (the burn in the muscles when doing exercise)
2) Reduce Coronary Artery Disease
· Reduce resting blood pressure
· Reduce body fat and more importantly fat around the abdomen
· Decrease insulin and improve glucose tolerance
3) Decrease Morbidity and Mortality
· Prevention as higher levels of activity are associated with fewer deaths from coronary artery disease, cardiovascular diseases, stroke, type 2 diabetes, osteoporotic insufficiency fractures and some cancers.
4) Other Benefits
· Decrease depression and anxiety
· Improve feelings of wellbeing
· Reduced risks of falls and injuries in the older adult
· Effective therapy for chronic disease in the older adult
· Maintain independence in the older adult
Now there are risks associated to exercise or physical activity and if you haven’t done it for some time; it is best to have a chat to myself or a health care provider to help navigate you back to movement.