
Manual or Manipulative Therapy

Manual or manipulative therapy is mobilisation (movement) of a joint. It can have a local effect on surrounding structures to modulate pain and local tissue spasm or stiffness of the joint. In addition, this method can have a central effect on the brain to down-regulation information from the brain. Both the local and central changes can have an effect to modulate pain, increase mobility/ movement of the underlying joint and improvement movement in the short to mid-term. This technique should be combined with exercise to increase the benefits.

Exercise Prescription

There are countless high-quality articles to support the use of exercise therapy for a range of conditions. A thorough assessment will assess any underlying motor control issues, local and global muscle deficits and/or movement restrictions from adjacent joints to help implement a specific evidence-based exercise program that is tailored to meet your needs and goals.


Health Funds (Private Insurance Fund)

All health funds are accepted. We are currently using Hicaps Go - which accepts most private health funds. For more information and on how to download please go to Alternatively, the app does not need to be downloaded prior and health funds payments can be processed on the day of the appointment.



Compulsory Third Party (CTP) Insurance

CTP is a form of compensation to those that have been injured in a motor vehicle accident. Injuries that have been sustained that may require physiotherapy are neck pain (whiplash), headaches, upper-limb pain, nerve-related pain and/or back pain. Please be advised that approval prior to appointment is essential. Please contact your CTP insurer or Motor Accident Insurance Commission (MAIC). For more information or questions please contact via the ‘Contact’ page.


Providing exceptional care to those in the workforce and getting you moving and back into work. Please contact your InjuryNet provider GP for referral prior to making an appointment.

Workcover Queensland

WorkCover Queensland provides insurance coverage for Queensland employers, compensating and helping workers with their work-related injuries. Please see your GP for a referral prior to making an appointment.


Chronic Disease Management Plan

The Chronic Disease Management Plan (formerly known as the ‘Enhanced Primary Care’ or EPC) is a referral from your GP from the Medicare Benefits Schedule who require multidisciplinary, team-based care from a GP and at least two other health care providers for individuals with chronic medical conditions. Please note approval prior to your appointment from your GP is required. On appointment please bring in paper work for processing claim and rebate. Unfortunately, due to a gap in the service fee we are unable to bulk-bill this service. For more information please don’t hesitate to get in contact via the ‘Contact’ page.