Empower, Movement & Prevention

Empower, movement and prevention; these three simple but powerful words underpin the philosophy at ‘Emma Murray Physiotherapy’.

Empower - ‘To Educate and Inspire’

Physiotherapy is a partnership to help you surpass inabilities, dysfunction and/or pain and get you back into movement. This partnership provides: education, support, guidance and rehabilitation strategies that are up-to-date and evidence-based. An injury has many facets that contribute uniquely to that individual and therefore it is extremely improvement to understand the underlying mechanism/s or contributing factors to the injury.

Movement - ‘Motion is Lotion’

Movement can be a double-edged sword. Too little exercise will result in not enough stimulus and poor adaptation of load; i.e. decreased ability to transfer force/s on the underlying structure/s i.e. muscle, joint, bone and nerve etc. Whereas, too much exercise too soon can lead to insufficient recovery and cellular turn-over, subsequently resulting to increased stress and inadequate adaptation to load. Both too little and too much exercise can result in tissue failure, leading to potential injury or recurrence of pain and dysfunction. However, every ‘body’ and everyone needs exercise, it’s just finding the right amount. The key is to plan, pace and understand the stress and recovery process to the associated movement/s. Find your ‘sweet-spot’ to start or continue movement today. 

Prevention – ‘Break the Cycle’.

Pain is traditionally a protective mechanism, without it you would not be driven to make change or offload the area that may lead to potential or further tissue damage. This truly is a wonderful feature from our brains that is constantly assessing and re-assessing potential or real-danger. Along this journey prior to pain there may be precipitating factors that may be contributing to the gradual onset of dysfunction and/or impairments of the individual. These may be from repetitive, prolonged or compensated movement patterns, habitual postures or movements and/or inadequate ratio of stress to recovery on the system. As opposed to trauma related injuries where tissue has exceeded the ‘failure point’ such as high-velocity motor vehicle accidents or a rolled ankle; which may lead to the adaptation of different movement strategies. Both gradual and traumatic onset injuries can have underlying factors that may lead to more persistent dysfunction and/or pain. To overcome potential future injuries or re-episodes the underlying ‘drivers’ need to be assessed and identified by addressing the associated ‘impairments’ to the particular movement in a holistic whole-body approach.

It’s time to help ‘Empower’ you to get back into ‘Movement’ and to provide “Prevention” strategies to your injury or concern/s – to help you live the life you want and get you back into movement. Make sure you’re in the right hands.